Journée d'études "Art and Protest(s)" - Vendredi 19 février 2021. 

Enregistrement de l'intervention de Claire PALMISTE : “Art and Protest against Racial Segregation in the United States of America”.

The civil rights movement has been thoroughly studied by American scholars (Karson, 2005; Dudley, 1996). Those studies mainly focused on the characteristics and evolution of the movement paying close attention to the major male activists and to the African American women who played a significant part in the movement (Crawford, 1990; Gibson Robinson, 1987). Elizabet Catlett, Norman Rockwell, Julius Bloch and Jacob Lawrence are visual artists who presented a critical view of racial segregation in the USA while it was still in practice. Their involvement in the civil rights movement has been tackled by few scholars. Julie Buckner Armstrong’s The Cambridge Companion to American civil rights movement literature (2015) was a decisive step towards emphasizing these artists’ contributions, through drama and poetry, to the civil rights movement. Makeda Best and Miguel de Baca’s Conflict, Identity, and Protest in American Art (2015) reflects the same concerns but examines also the artists’ responses to other conflicts such as World War II and the Korean War. This presentation purports to review recent literature on visual artists’ contribution to the American civil rights movement in order to determine if the artists developed a specific aesthetic, and if that aesthetic influenced the movement.

This series of events is mainly intended for Masters’ students in English studies wishing to take the CAPES selective examination in English. The exam syllabus covers five themes, two of which are changed every other year. Two events a year will be organized. The events will be held mostly in English. Undergraduate students in English studies are also more than welcome to attend. This first event took place in February 2021 and was devoted to Art and Protest(s) ’.

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